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# Cuterwrite’s Tech Blog

👀Welcome to Cuterwrite’s Tech Blog!

# ✋ About me

I am Cuterwrite, a doctoral student, and my blog focuses on the following areas:

  • High-Performance Computing: This is my main field, primarily researching parallel computing, distributed systems, and high-performance computing architectures. I am dedicated to optimizing applications on large-scale clusters (supercomputers) to improve system computational efficiency and performance.
  • Operating System: Mainly the kernel mechanisms and performance optimization strategies of the Linux system; some low-level details are quite helpful for me.
  • Full-Stack Development: Have knowledge of both front-end and back-end technologies, mainly for my blog and some toy projects. Also, try some new technologies, such as Vue and React for the front-end, and Golang, Java, Rust for the back-end.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Although this is not my area of specialized research and I have only had some exposure and hands-on experience in the past, with the rapid development of large models in recent years, I have also developed a strong interest in the field of artificial intelligence. I am currently learning about AI technologies such as deep learning and natural language processing, and conducting some exploratory practice based on open-source code and models.

I personally hope to implement the idea and publish a paper, completing my PhD studies as soon as possible. In the future, I plan to find a company in the Greater Bay Area, preferably related to the high-performance computing field, to make money and support myself first, and then do some things I want to do. As for the blog, I will keep it updated irregularly in my spare time.

I hope to improve my technical skills through continuous learning. If you are interested in my blog, feel free to follow my updates and leave comments in the comment section. I will reply as soon as possible.

# ⌛️ About the website

Cuterwrite’s Blog Established in 2021, it initially contained some technical notes and learning experiences from undergraduate studies, and later gradually developed into a technical blog. The website uses Hugo, is hosted on Github Pages, and is linked to the domain cuterwrite.top.

  • Comment system: It uses Twikoo , with data hosted on the free MongoDB Atlas.
  • Website analytics: Using Umami , with data hosted on the free Neon PostgreSQL service.
  • Search function: uses a self-built MeiliSearch service.
  • As for the drawing board and sketchbook on the left: they are built based on the open-source projects hugo-theme-gallery and excalidraw-cn respectively.
  • Website CDN: Using Luyun Yundun , the stability and speed are quite good. The basic package is already sufficient for my site. Before adding the CDN, the access speed of Github Pages in China was really slow, and sometimes it was even blocked and couldn’t open the site. After adding the CDN, the speed has significantly improved.

The name Cuterwrite doesn’t have any special meaning. When the blogger was playing a game and couldn’t think of a good ID, they used an ID generator website to randomly create a bunch and chose this one. It’s quite easy to remember, so they’ve continued to use it ever since.

Cuterwrite’s Blog has also been working hard to improve user experience. Therefore, I occasionally optimize the layout and add new features, striving to ensure that every visitor has a good reading experience.

# 🎨 About the cover

My favorite band: One OK Rock , a rock band from Japan. This cover is a live photo from their concert held on December 8, 2023, at the AsiaWorld-Expo in Hong Kong. It was also the first time I attended their live show that day, and it was incredibly impressive, so I used this photo as the cover for my personal page.

# 🌐 How to contact

  • Github : Follow my projects and updates. (Not available new project yet)
  • Zhihu Homepage : I generally use it as a search engine and bookmark, don’t really answer questions, and don’t often check private messages. Of course, now with more traffic, I might take a look.
  • Telegram : Occasionally will go online to check.
  • Linux Do : A large-scale black market forum, you can send me a private message on this forum, my username is cuterwrite. (The forum is invite-only, you can contact me if you need an invitation.)
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